Free from work?
Finally, I'm actually free from workforce. I'm on leave, relaxing, enjoying the comfort of my home.
Free to watch tv, free to dream, free to wake up anytime, free to go shopping, free to go sightseeing, free to concentrate on my hobbies.
I'm actually getting ready to start my exam studies. I can't afford to waste time of not revising. This is what you get when you are the last minute person.. Alah, banyak mase lagi..
Tadi baru check when what paper come first. Dah check dulu, but lupe lah..
Yes, so free from work, but not exams... So now, time to huff & puff. To be FAST & FURIOUS..
Tadi baru check when what paper come first. Dah check dulu, but lupe lah..
Yes, so free from work, but not exams... So now, time to huff & puff. To be FAST & FURIOUS..
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