My thots

Happiness lives for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I just gotten the pics from my cuzzin wedding. Then, I realise that I look haggard. Kenape eh? I remember that day I was wearing foundation, lipstick, eyeliner. But yet, I was like an old frail looking lady. Nah tis is what I meant... then bongkok lagi. Eii, really don't like the gambar. I think it's a good thing that day my hubby tak ikut. Yelah kalo dia ikut, I will feel more haggard cos I always feel that he got the look.

Tak pelah kalo orang nak cakap yg he is average, for me, he still got the good look. Kalo tak, kenape sometimes when I jalan with him, not only the malay gals try to capture his attention. The chinese gals as well. Sometimes, I do feel insecure. But then again, I tell myself. Alhamdulilah, Allah dah kasi segala kenikmatan. Sempurna segalanya. Bersyukurlah.. Syukur Alhamdulilah. Segala Pujian Bagi Allah.


Blogger DoLNa said...

u look fine lah. juz the lighting yg tak kena tu.

Friday, September 23, 2005 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

/me sings ****alhamdullilah ~~ syukur nikmat , kepada TUHAN yng memberi rahamat ~~~

Friday, September 23, 2005 5:14:00 PM  

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