My thots

Happiness lives for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Maal Hijrah 1427

Happy new year to all Muslim in the world. Sekejap saje mase berlalu. Tup tup dah abis bulan Jan & also dah abis 1426H. Cepat sungguh mase berlalu.

My resolution for this year.. berhijrah..
1. Insyallah, my five prayers per day even kalo kluar rumah. I used to promise myself not to forget Allah even when I'm out. But sometimes, lalai.. alasan, nanti buat kat rumah.. hmm.. once you are tired.. that's it. Insyallah, tak nak lalai lagi

1a. why 1a? Solat bila sampai waktunya. Taknak tunggu last minute.

2. Menjadi isteri mithali - bertanggungjawab, jaga suami luar & dlm, rumahtangga.. insyallah.

3. Menjadi anak yg solehah. Banyak perkara yg aku telah lakukan yg menyakiti hati ibubapa ku.. kesian mereka.

4. Insyallah kalo ade rezeki.. anak.. zuriat.. insyallah..

5. ape lagi?? nanti resolusi untuk continue with my resolution to come true.. insyallah..

Kekadang manusia boleh merancang, Allah yg menentukan. Perkara yg baik semua dariNya. Bersyukurlah atas nikmat yg telah diberinya. Ada hikmah disebalik yg berlaku..

I always believe in the saying, what goes around, comes around. Kalo kite nak org hormat, berlembut dgn kite, kite mesti berlembut dng org & hormat mereka. Doa kan untuk org, insyallah bukan saje kite dapat doa org lain, kite akan dpt doa dari malaikat. Hati kite mesti luhur, murni...

Sebab tu insyallah, nak stop umpatan, yup, mulut lebih susah hendak dijaga.. lebih banyak berdiam.

$$, Allah dah tentukan sebanyak mane yg akan kite perolehi.. berusaha gigih insyallah tercapai segala hasrat.. Banyakkan derma, insyallah terbuka pintu rezeki..

Ya Rabb! Kabulkan doa ku, hamba Allah yg kerdil ini..


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