My thots

Happiness lives for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ayah & Ibu

Insyallah, ayah & ibu akan mendapat haji yg mabrur. Skrg ni mereka sedang menunaikan ibadah haji, so raya haji ni, kite adik beradik berkunjung ke rumah Wak Mas. Mcm tak cukop gitu, yelah selalu dtg berEnam, ni cuma berEmpat.

Mase sending them at the airport I did my very best not to appear sad. Cos I believe they are going there for ibadah pada Allah. So I felt that I don't want to burden their thots. Yelah bila nanti nampak kite nangis, takut dorg teringat kat kite & not so on ibadah.

Tapi touching tau, my dad when peluk my uncles, he actually cried & say "Jagakan anak-anak saya ye." My mom confirm cried lah kan. Even my uncles, aunties & cuzzins pun bersedih. Tapi like I say I tak shed a tear. Just don't want them to worry.

So for now, insyallah untuk mempermudahkan perjalanan ibadah mereka, kite sebagai anak-anak selalu lah berdoa untuk mereka.

Ya Allah, kubermohon, permudahkan perjalanan ibadah ayah ibu ku, ya Allah. Moga-moga mereka mendapat haji yg mabrur. Allah yg maha Agung, maha Pengasih & maha Penyayang.


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