My thots

Happiness lives for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya & Tahun Baru 2007

Ape kah resolusi untuk kali ini?

hmm.. let me take a look at last year's..

Things to Achieve by year end 2006...:
1. Bersihkan muka (kasi takde jerawatlah)
2. Kuruskan badan (nak join club baru ni?)
3. Menjadi muslimin yg soleh, diberkati Allah serta .. ibubapa, hubby, relative &
4. Dapat kumpulkan duit insyallah..
5. Finish my riding lesson & pass the practical..

6. Habiskan hutang piutang ku jugak.. (hehe.. pasal belajar jugak lah.. every yr at least nak kene ade $7K... tak why tis yr I stop sekejap.. then next year .. start lagik..)
7. Ada rumah sendiri
8. Dapat zuriat
9. ....
10. .... (8 till 10 belum terpikir lagi).. nanti lah.. kalo dah I sambung

So this is this year's resolusi... Insyallah

1. Again menjaga muka (agar tidak berjerawat, makin menjadi pulak)
2. Again kuruskan badan (ayo I shld have maintain my figure.. or my weight .. 55kg ideal weight)
3. Menjaga ibadah rukun islam. Agar selalu tak lalai.
4. Mejadi muslimah yg soleh, insyallah diberkati Allah..., ibubapa (plus in-laws), hubby, relatives & frens.
5. Kalo Allah kasi rezeki anak, mendapat zuriat.
6. Pass my semesters so can proceed to 2008 graduation.
7. Rumah siap, so kene jaga rumah supaya bersih & selesa.
8. Take my riding lesson 2A.


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