Ayah & Ibu
Mase sending them at the airport I did my very best not to appear sad. Cos I believe they are going there for ibadah pada Allah. So I felt that I don't want to burden their thots. Yelah bila nanti nampak kite nangis, takut dorg teringat kat kite & not so on ibadah.
Tapi touching tau, my dad when peluk my uncles, he actually cried & say "Jagakan anak-anak saya ye." My mom confirm cried lah kan. Even my uncles, aunties & cuzzins pun bersedih. Tapi like I say I tak shed a tear. Just don't want them to worry.
So for now, insyallah untuk mempermudahkan perjalanan ibadah mereka, kite sebagai anak-anak selalu lah berdoa untuk mereka.
Ya Allah, kubermohon, permudahkan perjalanan ibadah ayah ibu ku, ya Allah. Moga-moga mereka mendapat haji yg mabrur. Allah yg maha Agung, maha Pengasih & maha Penyayang.