My thots

Happiness lives for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Stories, any novels pls..

I want to go to the library. I want to read. But not any course subjects. But stories, novels.. I just love reading. By reading, I did actually improve my "Ingrish" haha..

I just do not like sitting in the mrt, doing nothing. Mcm masa berlalu begitu lambat. Tapi kalo tgh baca, tiba2 dah reach my destinasi.

Tapi tulah kekadang geram, cos sometimes I do not understand the meaning of the word. So I tend to read the passage, put the meaning of the word myself. Tip from my English teacher.

Nanti ler tunggu bila ada rumah sendiri, nak beli dictionary. So any words yg I tak tau, I can actually refer to it. Like just now, I saw the word rotary. What's the meaning?

Oh ya, again while watching the DaVinCi Code, more words. More blanks...

Sunday, May 28, 2006


This is the 2 movies I wanna watch for this month or maybe early next month.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hanya dua wanita yg mengetahui nilai seorang lelaki.

Si ibu atau si isteri.

Ibu mendidik, menjaga anak bagai menatang minyak yg penuh, dari kecil hingga dia bergelar suami.
- Ibu tahu perihal anaknya, perilaku, kesilapan, kelemahan. Waktu (dari dalam kandungan hingga 16yrs)

Isteri menjaga suami, makan minum, pakaian, rumah serta harta, dari dia bergelar suami hingga "dot-dot". Waktu(dari dia bergelar suami hingga 80yrs)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Kesalahan wanita ketiga

Mungkin aku tahu sekarang kenape si isteri akan serang wanita ketiga & bukan suaminya.

Sebab kerana dia terlalu cintakan suaminya hingga kesilapan suami dia tak nampak atau sengaja ignoring. Mungkin setelah tinggal sebumbung, tidur sekatil, si isteri telah sedikit sebanyak tahu tabiat suaminya. Si isteri, walaupun mengetahui sikap suaminya yg “berkaki”, akan tetap berasa wanita ketiga itu bersalah. Dia rasa wanita ketiga sepatutnya tidak terus melayani si suami. Sepatutnya, wanita ketiga itu mengerti with that action, will result with another woman getting hurt.

Si isteri just feel that the other woman should have known her limitation, her boundaries when interacting with one’s husband. If she feels that that husband is flirting or trying to flirt with her, she should stay away from him. If he continues to flirt with another woman, at least, she has already made her stand and she won’t be blame.

Tepuk sebelah tangan takkan berbunyi…

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

25 May?

Papers all over the bed. Juz think that u'll be packing again tonite for zzz.

Like last nite, I had this small space for rest. Thot that hubby will be at work. Puff.. at 2.30am, he reach home. Looking tired, what to do next. Put all the papers, laptop & printer back to the floor, clear the bed. and ZZZZ...Where's hubby? hehe.. well, he was reading newspaper. So I guess I switch off first. But then, sape yg penat?

Ok, I have one more day to face the paper. Paper tat determine whether I understand the subject or not. I must say that actually I do understand the subject, but to really comprehend? hmm.. tat's wat exam are for.

Well, I just need to score another 48% to hop to another semester. Eh wait, for another, I need to score 70%, yup, nilah kalo org buat homework asal boleh. Not putting effort to sit down to read & revise. AND THIS couldn't-be-bothered-think person has made the booking for prac test 2days after exam!!

Do you think you can really sail thru w/o practise? Nay, hey I've booked the Sunday for that.

Anyway, will really be "free" after 25. Ok, now serious, discipline!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Free from work?

Finally, I'm actually free from workforce. I'm on leave, relaxing, enjoying the comfort of my home.

Free to watch tv, free to dream, free to wake up anytime, free to go shopping, free to go sightseeing, free to concentrate on my hobbies.


I'm actually getting ready to start my exam studies. I can't afford to waste time of not revising. This is what you get when you are the last minute person.. Alah, banyak mase lagi..

Tadi baru check when what paper come first. Dah check dulu, but lupe lah..

Yes, so free from work, but not exams... So now, time to huff & puff. To be FAST & FURIOUS..

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Self Analysis

You are a person who is keeping things to yourself.
You are a bit more choosy on friends and only hangout with those whom you think are on the same frequency.
Your life is not fulfilled.
You are weak in your life and tends to be fragile.
You have high sex drive.
You have a few good friends in your life.
Your last relationship is not a good one and is not memorable to you.
Even when your partner is around you, you will flirt around with others.
You've got a low ego.
A humble personality is in you.
You get average bond with your friends.
Your partner is pure and good in your heart.
Your partner is a very homely and humble person.You will go to your friends whenever you are met with problems.