Alhamdulilah, my cousin, H, dah jadi isteri org. Last week, memang rak abis. Cos mane nak tolong dia buat hantaran, then nak belajar (arrgghhh EXAM!!), nak lesson (bila nak abis ni??), etc.. etc..
FridayI amik leave. I thot nak terus pegi pagi2. But penat sangat, I klua from home at 2pm. I took a cab to the Far East Flora at Thomson Rd. Went round & round, searching for this & that flower. Tulah kalo tau mase kawin dulu pegi seh beli kat situ.. Anyway, I bought baby's breath, carnation, small flowers.. the amount is $99++. Mahal jugak eh.. Terus I took cab, go to her place.
Then tolong sibuk2 all that. Then klua lagi beli fruits pulak. By the time, dah kenduri. So fast. My aunty nak gubah the tepak sireh, skali no wet sponge. Since I have the sponge at home(since my wedding), I told them to wait for my hubby to fetch me. So at 10pm, he came. I get the sponge, then patah balik for another 20mins journey. All together was 40mins journey..
Saturday(the nikah day)Pagi2 kene wake up, altho I dah wake earlier to siap for hubby workin, I slept again.. zzz. So at 7am, kelam kabut, cos by 8am should leave the house. Skali my cuzzin, A, say nak tumpang tak. Ape lagi, lambat2 lah. Belum gosok baju all that. Anyway, by the time 8.30am, mum & I dah kat tepi road tunggu Trajet.
Again, dah rch kene wait again for the bus to go to ROMM. She nikah at 10am, so we need to be early. She went ahead first with most makciks. Tinggal kite cuzzins wif 2 pakciks. Rch ROMM, pengantin lelaki belum dtg..
Anyway, gitu gini, waiting, waiting.. alas.. semua selesai, she dah jadi Mrs.. hehe after 4 kali lafaz. Nervous agak penantin..
Then, I got the news! My cuzzin, Ai, hilang hp. Kecoh lagi. Then in the bus, our lead cuzzin, T, told us that we have to help out with the dishes. Kelam kabut. Rupenya the tukang masak just masak, send & go off. Tak orang nak put the dishes kat tray. Even the ingredient for rojak, like timun, sengkuangm, nenas, we have to cut ourselves. Kelakar seh. Nasib baik kene we all gotong royong. The jemputan have to wait a while before the food is served.
Event gitu gini completed at 5.30 gitu. We pack, clean all tat. Then kelam kabut to go to another jemputan. Me have to balik dulu to tuka my scarf. Maklum org selekeh. habis semua banyak map ayam merah, map dalca, map ayer blueberry.. Abih by the time I rch semua dah abis mkn. I totally forgot that it was my fault, bukan hubby. (Maklum dia selalu lambat.. hehe) By the time, I balik. I was so tired that I slept right after shower. Hubby went to his mom's pl cos nak tgk bola.
SundayWaited for hubby. Again I think dia tak tido smlman, he lazy to go to the wedding. Oh ye, this time, it's the guy side. So siap semua. My parents & sis dah klua dulu, tumpang keter. Hubby & I went out later. Everybody were supposed to meet at bride's place to take bus to groom. But cos we were late, I sms them tanya dah jalan. Cuzzin, E, replied dah. So we went straight to the groom side. Skali rch there, sms again. They say belum. Darah up seh. Waited for 1hr, at last baru dapat go. Mkn, take pics, lepas tu patut gi rumah bride balik. But I got hubby's cuzzin's baby cukur rambut. So told them to meet kat sana later.
But cos of ujan, hubby's sakit, semua dah balik when we rch. Sedih seh. I miss the family gatherings. Wat to do?
So sad. I saw that mum was disappointed wif hubby till date.
So what can I do to make my hubby come & stay during family gatherings? He went, but tak stay long. Hai...